Regardless of whether you live in Atlanta, GA or you are planning a visit, the weather in the city is one that may be on the forefront of your mind. If you live in the area, knowing the weather patterns throughout the four seasons of the year will allow you to know what to expect during different times of the year. As a visitor, you deftly want to know what the weather is like so that you can pack the most appropriate close to be comfortable. Regardless, the typical humid, subtropical climate in Georgia makes for a perfect place to explore the outdoors as well as travel throughout the state.
During the winter months, Atlanta does not typically see very much snow. The city is located in the northern part of the state of Georgia, but the state is self is situated in the very southeast of the continent. That means that not only is there are only a little bit of snowfall during the winter , when compared to the temperatures in northern states like Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, Atlanta experiences only mild cold, snow and icy conditions.
When attempting to dress appropriately for this type of weather, it is not necessary that you bundle up with several layers of heavy clothing, but the temperatures are cold enough that you will need more to cover your feet then a pair of flip-flops. During the winter, there is usually only one or two instances of snowfall. But the snow that does reach the ground does not accumulate to very much, nor does it stay on the ground very long. The winters are short and brief compared to those in states where snow is on the ground six months out of the year, but Atlanta is not the Bahamas or the Virgin Islands. They do indeed have winter, and the winter temperatures are mildly cold, cold enough not to be considered warm.
During the season of spring in Atlanta, the air is mild, the wind blows warm air, and the temperatures are sunny and inviting. Because the mountains are within a reasonable this is to Atlanta; the weather is influenced by their presence. This makes the spring weather change day today, with some days being cool and breezy and other days being warm and somewhat humid. In the early spring, the air that comes from the mountains can make the days cooler, with the temperatures rising throughout the day into the evening. April appears to be the radius-time of the year, with temperatures peaking towards the 80s, inviting summer to come soon.
In the autumn, Atlanta is typically sunny but cool. The rain is at its lowest point during this time, with September and October saw the least amount of rain overall. Often referred to as India summer, the weather during the fall can still reach temperatures that are in the higher 70s, lower 80s. As the fall begins to dwindle down to allow winter to roll in, the temperatures get much cooler, with the first freeze of the year coming sometime in November, and sometimes as early as October.
Summer in Atlanta frames and the good bad and the ugly. With hot and humid temperatures that average around 90°F, but can breach into the high 90s, Atlanta is a target area for tropical cyclones and tornadoes. With a large number of thunderstorms that hover over the city, Atlanta sees an average of 4.5 to 5.5 inches of rain during the summer months alone. While I lend the experiences tropical cyclones on a regular basis, very rarely does a hurricane directly land in at Atlanta, a course except in rare cases. Regarding tomatoes, on the other hand, Atlanta is one of the top locations in which tornadoes occur yearly, although most of them are low in power and damage.