We help you get more leads by managing and staffing talent.



The TSM Agency Atlanta can help you have an outgoing, beautiful, and professional trade show models, promotional staff, and booth models.

IWF Atlanta the IWF (International Woodworking Fair) is the most popular B2B trade show in the country for that industry. It will attract many woodworking professionals, retailers, and construction industries from around the world. The International Woodworking Fair is held once a year in Atlanta Georgia. The IWF is considered to be one of the top trade shows for a variety of woodworking industries. It is a huge buying and selling opportunity for wholesalers, manufacturers, retailers, and business professionals. IWF Atlanta

In Search of Beautiful, Experienced Professional Models for The Philadelphia Auto Show? We have models for hire!

The TSM Agency has always been part of this auto show. We provide exhibitors with different categories of auto show girls and promotional models. Our models always make the difference for a number of reasons. First is that we are local to this city, this means that we understand the environment and the
people very well. We always explore this to the best advantage of our clients. Moreover, our models are well educated, trained, and motivated. They know what each client needs and provides it to them. Our spokesmodels are beautiful and highly skilled. TSM models will not only attract traffic to your booth, we will help generate leads as well. We have experience when it comes to exhibitions like Philadelphia Auto show. Our professionals know that you are in business to make profits. We are going to assist you network with the right people as you join the gravy train after the show.

Hire Professional Models for the Philadelphia Auto Show

No auto show events are the same, and that is why we train our models for each event. We are sure that our models are going to deliver because the quality of personnel we assign would always match the occasion. We use the most qualified and most talented brand ambassadors. Apart from the fact that our models are well educated, we take time to train and prepare them for each exhibition. Most importantly, our models will stay the course to satisfy your marketing needs. We know that Philadelphia auto show is very important to you, and we help you to meet your targets. .

About Philadelphia

Philadelphia is a renowned city not only in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania; it is equally one of the largest populated cities in this country. The city is considered the fifth most populated, and it is estimated that the city has a population of more one and half a million residents. Apart from the overly-eccentric residents, Philadelphia can boast of being one of the economic centers of the country. It is not surprising that such global and national exhibitions take place in the country. The city has several attraction centers and this means that attendees have lots of things to keep them busy once in Philadelphia.

Philadelphia Autos Show Model Staff Rates

Are you an exhibitor? Are you looking for models to hire? You have come to the right place. If you want your booth to make a difference in the next Philadelphia auto show, you should use the services of professional agency like us. TSM agency would first get in touch with you, understand your requirements and send trade show models that match your needs. You are participating in the show to attract customers and generate leads. With the right show models, all these are going to be possible. This is why you must always rely on an established agency. The HD Expo is presented by Hospitality Design magazine and is considered

the premiere trade show for

the hospitality design industry. This event has over 700 exhibitors and

expects attendance of more than

6,500 people, interested in the newest innovations and products in

the industry as well as networking

opportunities and a forum for idea sharing. The Expo is organized by Emeral

d Expositions and is held at

the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.

Contact Information

Address: The Pennsylvania Convention Center, 1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia PA 19107

 Contact: (123) 123-4444

Visit EVENT website: http://www.phillyautoshow.com

Additional Information

Event Name: Philadelphia Auto Show

City Name: Philadelphia

Attendees: Nill

Exhibitors: Nill

Date: Jan 27 – Feb 4, 2018

Location: The Pennsylvania Convention

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Philadelphia Auto Show Modeling Opportunities

Do you want to become a model? Do you think that you have the skill to become an auto show girl? If the answer to all these questions is yes, then the next Philadelphia auto show is an opportunity for you to showcase that your talent. We are looking for stars like to manage our client’s booths. Hundreds of clients would be requiring our services and we want the best trained models to become their models. You have a lot to gain when you work for us, we are always busy, and that means that you would always be busy.

Provide your contact details and we’ll get back to you asap!

    Provide your contact details and we’ll get back to you asap!

    TSM Agency

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